Leading-edge thinking pioneering new ethical leadership and new organisational cultures fit for a planet that demands systems-change.

The Eco-Leadership Institute’s founder, Dr. Simon Western, is an esteemed author in the field of leadership and coaching. His books draw from his experience and research, and bring a unique perspective to the field.


Leadership: A Critical Text

In this original text, Simon Western deconstructs and reconstructs leadership to challenge the popular notion of the individual or hero leader, instead using his own framework to present leadership as a distributed process. Leadership: A Critical Text is now in its 3rd edition.

Coaching and Mentoring: A Critical Text 

Positioning coaching as working between the ′wounded-self′ (of therapeutic culture) and ′celebrated-self′ (of the human potential movement), this text reveals four discourses that underpin contemporary coaching practice.

Global Leadership Perspectives: Insights and Analysis

A critical, global counterpoint to more western-centric texts that will appeal to critical leadership scholars, those teaching leadership from a critical perspective and those teaching leadership with an international focus.