Coaching leaders to act in good faith to create the good society

Diploma in Eco-Leadership Coaching

Train to become a certified Eco-Leadership Coach

For coaches, consultants and leaders

Eco-Leadership Coaching is an avant-garde, ethically driven coaching strategy developed to transform how coaches coach, how leaders lead, and how organisations organise.

Developed over two decades of experience coaching executives around the globe and honed through 1100+ hours of teaching, the coaching system is evidence-based, drawing on academic research, publications, and internationally acclaimed books that inform our training.

Our coaching method has been tried and tested in many different organisational contexts and is guaranteed to take your coaching practice to new levels.

What is Eco-Leadership Coaching?

Are you a coach, consultant, or leader who sees that traditional techniques are no longer working? The unique challenges we face in today’s society call for fresh thinking and new strategies, and that is why we developed our Diploma in Eco-Leadership Coaching course.

Over the span of the course’s sessions, participants will learn to use our unique Five-Frame method to coach leaders in the real world. This holistic coaching approach provides a wealth of resources that students can draw upon to guide future decision-making actions.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants are free to use the Eco-Leadership coaching system in their coaching practice, and are invited to join our Eco-Leadership Community of Practice (ECOP).

Course Information

Student Testimonials