Coaching as an Organisational Change Technology
Organisational Development Intervention
We utilize the ‘technology of coaching’ to design interventions that benefit the whole organization, working on culture shifts, developing distributed leadership and implementing strategic change.
What happens during our intervention?
Eco-Leadership Coaching Hub: We establish a coaching hub within your organisation to co-design a culturally-sensitive intervention with your employees that directly addresses your most pressing issues within your organisations.
Organisational Consistency: We coach leaders across the organisation consistently toward the organizational agenda, following our coherent methodology.
Coach Match: We carefully match coaches and employees to ensure the best fit
Employees as Researchers: Action-research takes place through harnessing your employees knowledge and their feelings as data.
Cultural Audit: We apply our psycho-systemic lens to gain insight into what’s really going on in the company.
How will this help my organisation?
• Personal leadership development is aligned with organizational culture change
• We carefully match coaches and employees to ensure the best fit
• Discover hidden cultural strengths and challenges that are shared in coaching sessions
• The coaching approach is consistent and supervised
• Taking leaders through a managed and supervised coaching process with an OD lens gives you a critical mass of change agents, who can lead the company to new levels of success